15  Ways to be extraordinary productive


Being Productive is essential for achieving success, both personally and professionally. Many of us struggle to stay on top of our tasks and responsibilities, often feeling overwhelmed and stressed out. However, with the right mindset and habits, anyone can achieve extraordinary productivity. In this blog post, we will discuss 15 choices that can help you increase your productivity and achieve your goals.

Choice 1: Prioritize tasks based on urgency and importance

One of the first steps towards achieving extraordinary productivity is to prioritize your tasks based on their urgency and importance. This means identifying which tasks are critical and need to be done immediately, and which ones can wait. To determine the urgency and importance of each task, you can use a prioritization matrix. This matrix helps you distinguish between urgent and important tasks, so you can plan your time and energy accordingly.

Choice 2: Practice time blocking

Another effective choice for achieving extraordinary productivity is time blocking. Time blocking is the practice of scheduling your day into chunks of time, during which you focus on one task at a time. By limiting distractions and focusing on one task at a time, you can get more done in less time.

To implement time blocking into your daily routine, start by identifying your most productive hours of the day. Then, allocate chunks of time for each task, making sure to prioritize the most important ones first. Stick to your schedule as much as possible, and you’ll be amazed at how much you can accomplish.

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Choice 3: Eliminate distractions

Eliminate distractions

Distractions are one of the biggest productivity killers in today’s world. From social media notifications to email notifications, there’s no shortage of distractions that can take us away from our work. To eliminate distractions, start by identifying what distracts you the most. Then, take steps to minimize or eliminate those distractions.

For example, you could turn off your phone notifications, close your email app, or use noise-cancelling headphones to block out external noise. By minimizing distractions, you can stay focused on your work and achieve more in less time.

Choice 4: Take breaks regularly

Taking breaks is essential for maintaining productivity over the long term. When we work for extended periods without taking breaks, our productivity and focus decline. By taking short breaks regularly, we can recharge our batteries, improve our focus, and get more done.

During your breaks, try to do something that relaxes you, such as going for a walk, reading a book, or talking to a friend. This will help you recharge and come back to your work feeling refreshed and energized.

Choice 5: Set attainable goals

Setting attainable goals is another critical choice for achieving extraordinary productivity. When we set unrealistic goals, we set ourselves up for failure, which can be demotivating. To set attainable goals, start by identifying what you want to accomplish. Then, break down that goal into smaller, more manageable tasks.

By setting attainable goals, you’ll be more motivated to work towards them, and you’ll be less likely to get discouraged if you encounter setbacks along the way.

Choice 6: Keep a tidy workspace

Keep a tidy workspace

A cluttered workspace can negatively impact productivity and focus. When our workspace is cluttered, we have a harder time focusing on our tasks, and we’re more likely to feel overwhelmed. To keep a tidy workspace, start by decluttering your desk and organizing your supplies.

Make sure everything has a designated place, so you always know where to find what you need. By keeping your workspace organized and clutter-free, you’ll be able to focus better on your work and achieve more in less time.

Choice 7: Learn to say no

Learning to say no is another critical choice for achieving extraordinary productivity. When we say yes to everything, we spread ourselves too thin, and we end up doing a mediocre job at everything. To learn to say no, start by identifying your priorities and values. Then, when someone asks you to do something, consider whether it aligns with your priorities and values.

If it doesn’t, politely decline and explain why. By saying no when necessary, you’ll be able to focus on what’s most important to you and achieve more in less time.

Choice 8: Use technology effectively

Technology can be a powerful tool for improving productivity, but only if we use it effectively. To use technology effectively, start by identifying the tools that will help you be most productive. For example, if you’re easily distracted by social media, you could use a website blocker to limit your access.

If you have trouble staying organized, you could use a productivity app to keep track of your tasks. By using technology effectively, you can streamline your work and get more done in less time.

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Choice 9: Focus on one task at a time

Focus on one task at a time

Multitasking is a myth. When we try to do multiple tasks at once, we end up doing none of them well. To achieve extraordinary productivity, focus on one task at a time. This means avoiding distractions and limiting interruptions.

To help you focus, try using the Pomodoro technique. This technique involves working on one task for a set amount of time, usually 25 minutes, followed by a short break. By focusing on one task at a time, you’ll be able to get more done in less time.

Choice 10: Delegate tasks when possible

Delegation is another effective tool for improving productivity. When we delegate tasks to others, we free up our time and energy to focus on what’s most important. To delegate tasks effectively, start by identifying tasks that can be delegated.

Then, consider who is best suited to handle those tasks. Delegating tasks to others can be a win-win situation, as it allows you to focus on what’s most important while giving others the opportunity to grow and develop their skills.

Choice 11: Build healthy habits

Building healthy habits is essential for maintaining productivity over the long term. When we take care of our physical and mental health, we have more energy and focus to devote to our work. To build healthy habits, start by identifying areas where you could improve.

For example, you could start exercising regularly, eating a balanced diet, or practicing mindfulness meditation. By building healthy habits, you’ll be able to maintain your productivity over the long term and achieve your goals.

Choice 12: Regularly track progress

Regularly track progress

Tracking your progress is an effective way to stay motivated and focused on your goals. When we see progress, no matter how small, we feel motivated to keep going. To track your progress, start by identifying key metrics that are relevant to your goals.

Then, use a tool like a habit tracker or a project management app to track your progress regularly. By tracking your progress, you’ll be able to see how far you’ve come and stay motivated to keep going.

Choice 13: Learn from mistakes

Mistakes are inevitable, but they can also be opportunities for growth. When we make mistakes, we have the chance to learn from them and improve our performance. To learn from mistakes effectively, start by reflecting on what went wrong.

Then, identify what you could have done differently and make a plan to avoid making the same mistake in the future. By learning from mistakes, you’ll be able to improve your performance and achieve greater productivity.

Choice 14: Celebrate accomplishments

Celebrate accomplishments

Finally, celebrating accomplishments is essential for maintaining motivation and staying focused on our goals. When we acknowledge our achievements, we feel a sense of pride and accomplishment, which can be motivating. To celebrate your accomplishments, start by setting small milestones along the way.

Then, when you reach those milestones, take time to acknowledge your accomplishments and celebrate your progress. By celebrating your accomplishments, you’ll be able to stay motivated and focused on your goals.

Achieving extraordinary productivity requires a combination of mindset, habits, and tools. By implementing the 15 choices discussed in this post, you can improve your productivity, achieve your goals, and live a more fulfilling life. Remember, the key to success is consistency and persistence. Keep working towards your goals, and you’ll be amazed at what you can achieve.

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